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Why Reporting and Visibility are Key in Maintaining Supplier Diversity

With the increased role that customer agreements and government regulations play in supplier diversity, organizations must improve spend reporting capabilities to satisfy audit requirements. Integrating technology into the workflow enables organizations to collect accurate supplier spend data, meet customer and compliance reporting requirements, avoid financial penalties, prevent reputation implications, and reduce the potential for lost […]

Core Objectives for Successful Supplier Diversity Programs

The maturity of supplier diversity programs varies widely among organizations, but the primary objectives remain constant. They center on alignment to corporate culture and social responsibility while adhering to customer and government requirements, and developing a strong supply base to meet each company’s goals on cost, quality, and growth. 75 percent of respondents have a […]

Optimizing Technology for Supplier Diversity Initiatives

Across the USA, three million minority-owned firms represent 21% of all businesses, according to numbers from the National Minority Supplier Development Council. Those businesses produce over $1 trillion in economic output and employ 5.9 million workers. Leveraging the resources of these enterprises is good business in many ways – including improved quality, increased market share, […]

Cooking Up Success with your Marketing Services Platform

Here’s a riddle for you: What does marketing have to do with fine dining? More than you might think—because in both cases, success or failure depends on what gets put in front of the customer. Imagine you’re at a restaurant that’s been getting rave reviews. The chef is brilliant. The menu is enticing. The waiter […]